ZTT Ranked 2017 China Top 500 Enterprises in Global Market Value

2017/12/11 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览



Recently, 21 Data News Lab (a domestic authoritative financial media) published the list of 2017 China Top 500 Enterprises in Global Market Value. On the strength of robust development and market performance, ZTT has stood out from more than 6000 Chinese companies listed on the global exchanges, ranked the 310th with a market value of 46.451 billion CNY.

In the era of Internet, market value has replaced revenue or profit and increasingly become the best measure of overall strength of listed companies. It was reported that the 21 Data News Lab calculated the latest market value of all Chinese companies listed on 15 global exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, New York and other cities in the world through exchange and summarization, and obtained the list of "2017 China Top 500 Enterprises in Global Market Value", showing that the market value of ZTT has reached the threshold specified for Top 500 Enterprises, increasing from 4.262 billion CNY in December, 2008 to the latest 30.672 billion CNY.

ZTT was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2002. For 15 years since its listing, ZTT has focused on manufacturing and quality improvement by technological innovation and precision manufacturing, paving the differentiated development way of "Being Innovative, Superior and Unique". From the beginning of the listing to the end of 2016, the Company increased the operating income from 0.4 to 21.1 billion CNY, the net profit rose from 39 million to 1.595 billion CNY, achieving a total asset of 20.6 billion CNY with an increase in all financial indicators by 30-40 times. Owing to the listing, ZTT has walked the path for rapid development. Currently ZTT has distributed sales network around the world with outstanding performance and won the honors of China’s Top 500 Enterprises, China Electronic Components Top 100 Enterprises, The Most Valuable 100 Enterprises on the Main Board Market, Best Listed Company, etc.